The Biarritz Aquarium, also known as le Musée de la Mer, is a great place to take your family for an impressive marine display. The diverse sea life is portrayed in an elegant and entertaining mann...
The lighthouse of Biarritz, le Phare de Biarritz, is another location where you can enjoy views of the city. Climb the small hill and, if you dare, take a look into the lighthouse on top. Also, tak...
Get some fresh air and enjoy the Basque landscape. The Takamaka team at Sports Nature equips you with everything you need for an exciting day out: bikes, surfboards, or kayaks can be borrowed, and ...
The Casino Barrière is located just at the waterfront, so it allows for some amazing views of the ocean. It does not only offer a good time for those who like classic table games like Blackjack, Ro...
The museum Cité de l’Océan et du Surf can answer questions like: where does the water in the oceans come from? Did Atlantis really exist? Would we be here if the ocean never existed? More than one ...
Eugénie, the wife of Napoleon III, created Hôtel du Palais at the end of the 19th century, and it still towers over the northern end of Grand Plage. A visit is well worth the time. In fact, it is e...